Sunday, August 31, 2008

something to wine about

Want to avoid a mess like the one Liquorking manager Ally Dykes found in his wine cellar following a powerful earthquake in Gisborne, New Zealand in late December of 2007?  
Check out's guide to Earthquake proofing your four walled goodie bag.  

oh, the places you'll go

Apparently, anything doesn't 'go' in Amsterdamn, anymore.  Time online has more...

Kevin German's photograph 'Steve the Chicken' takes me to several far away places; either of my late grandfathers farms, the freedoms of girlhood, the songs of Neko Case, or the rural midwest.  

9 medieval ships found in Oslo

The largest collection of antique shipwrecks ever found in Norway has been discovered under mud at the building site for a new highway tunnel in Oslo.  Archaeologist Jostein Gundersen said at least nine wooden boats, the largest of which is 17 meters, or 56 feet, long were found well preserved nearly 400 years after they sank at Bjoervika.  

comings and goings

I've been away for quite some time due to a consuming Costuming project.  Alas, it is finnished and I am here to give more random tandems of travel and urge culture to, well, whoever might one day accidentally view this sight.  I hope you enjoy the colby jack map of Canada!